The truth, of course, is that every single person in America gets benefits from the U.S. And of course, his infamous 47 percent video was all about those people who think they are "entitled" to government benefits. "If you're looking for free stuff you don't have to pay for, vote for the other guy," said Mitt Romney during the campaign. "You have two generations now who believe that the government owes them something," said conservative columnist Cal Thomas. "Offering Americans a check is a more fruitful political strategy than offering them the opportunity to take control of and responsibility for their own lives," wrote National Review's Kevin Williamson after the election. You cannot have both," said Sarah Palin back in September. "You either get free stuff or you get freedom. It didn't start on election day this is a tune that Republicans have been playing for a couple of years now, and nearly everyone, from media figures to members of Congress to their presidential nominee himself, joined in with increasing frequency over the last few months. And who is going to give them things? President Obama." This was perhaps articulated most vividly by Bill O'Reilly, who on election night lamented the fact that "the white establishment is no longer the majority" and said, "It's not a traditional America anymore, and there are 50 percent of the voting public who want stuff.
Because that's just how those people are. And what was it they wanted? Universal health coverage, higher taxes on the wealthy, strong environmental regulations, legal abortion? Nope. They got what they wanted, conservatives are saying. Instead, Barack Obama's re-election is said to be a moral failing on the part of the American public. They aren't saying that the voters are uninformed, or that they allowed themselves to be duped. As the old political saw says, "The people have spoken-the bastards." And that is what one conservative after another has been saying over the last week. You can blame your party and ask if it should examine its ideology or its rhetoric.
You can blame your candidate and his campaign (which usually means, "If only they had listened to me!"). If you want to explain why your party lost a presidential election, there are a number of places to look.